Thursday, September 19, 2013

Field Trips!

Field trips by far are the most favorite by students and teachers... no matter if you are in public, private or a homeschool setting. We are blessed by a bounty of wonderful homeschooled friends that are in the same stage of life as we are in. Our co-op moms met back in August to plan out a year of field trips as well as parties. Friday's are our field trip/ party days... and we all look forward to this day each week. Here are a few pics of a few places we 've been to this past month.

Bollinger County Museum


Conservation Center Hike

Ms. Emmy Kate starts preschool! :D

After about a month of homeschooling... we were noticing Emmy was bored... tired of her brothers getting most of mom's attention during the day. So she started attending Centenary Methodist preschool on Tues/Thurs... and she LOVES it! :D She has 2 other church friends in her class as well as one of mommy's dearest friends Mrs. Kris as a teacher! Double blessings!! She looks forward to her days at school and I'm sure will learn so much! :D Both boys attended pre-K there... and I simply can't say enough good things about Centenary! It is a WONDERFUL, Christ centered place!

Homeschool Bliss... New Year... New adventure... New Blessings!

So... after much prayer and seeking the Lord on our children's future for education.... we chose to homeschool our boys for this year... and possibly years to come. To be honest.... I was very hesitant at first... but kept feeling a tugging and direction from the Lord to homeschool when I left the decision at His feet. We had a summer full of researching the best curriculum for each child
s learning needs as well as something mom thought she could handle. We are blessed with an extra bedroom in our basement that was easy to transfer to our school room. This by far was the most fun for mom! :D  We began digging in August 13th... and will be celebrating 30 days in school tomorrow! :D Yeah! We have officially made it a month and the boys have learned SO much! Gavin is learning to read, and Reid is learning ALL about our nation's history which he LOVES!

Here is a few pics of our schoolroom... and the boys in action. What a BLESSING it has been to see these boys learn... and desire to learn! Yes... there are tough days... when a 15 min lesson turns into an hour long of whining and complaining and "I can't do this".... but then there are the days that are full of: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,  faithfulness, gentleness and self control. (Galatians 5:22-23). I'm encouraged greatly in our good days... and seeing my children get far more than an "academic" education. They are growing more spiritually as each day passes... and to me... that is what counts the MOST!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yep... He's 6!!

Oh my... oh my... we have a 6 year old!! Where has the past 6 years gone? We are truly blessed by this little boy! He brings so much joy to us... and everyone he meets!

What Reid LOVES:
  •  He loves the Lord.... He LOVES to sing praise and worship music as loud as he can :)
  • Soccer- First year= SUCCESS!
  • Baseball- we had to encourage him to "try it out" and... from the first practice... we can say he LOVES it!
  • Read- Fits his name perfectly... because he is very gifted with the knowledge of words( MUCH like his daddy) He's quite our bookworm
  • His Family- Still our #1 snugglebug! :-)

Thank you Lord for giving us the gift of our children! Psalm 127:3

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas decorating...

Oh what a challenge it is to do anything with 3 little ones ... especially hanging Christmas lights!!! Making memories.... making memories!!  Emmy wated to take the bulbs out while Nathan was trying to hang them... while Gavin and Reid.... lost interest in the "family event" after about 2 min. Racing their outside toys down our driveway was WAY more exciting than what mom and dad were doing! :-) We got the task done though... only 3 hrs. later. Ha!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

M-I-Z-Z-O-U Homecoming 2011!!!

We decided ... kinda at the last minute ... to take the kiddos to Homecoming this year. What a BLAST!! It was a Beautiful weekend... and we had so much fun doing house decks, parade and a bonefire with some old friends. So much fun... and we're definitly going back next year... and all the years to come!!

 Road trippin...

 Our crew with some friends... and they ALL had matching jackets!
 Fun at the House Decks!

 Candy... Candy... Candy!!

Alex and Kristen...


Beggs Farm/Pumpkin Patch

 Reid's bud Dalton... not a very good picture of them though?!?
 Reid's pumpkin
 Gavin's pumpkin
 Gavin feeding the camel

Gavin, Emmy and I joined Reid and his school for his first field trip to Beggs Family Farm. A fun time had by all... and boy... we're we HOT and FILTHY afterwards!! :0)  Great place to make many memories!!